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Writer's pictureshelleybredeson

Overview of Decembers Transits

After the intensity of last couple of months, and eclipses, things slow down in December. While there are still some challenges and changes taking place, the energy is lighter and more mobile. The volatile Mars/Neptune square is separating, and will be out of the picture by December 4th. While Mars remains in Gemini until next year, and actions can still be scattered, the confusion will lift. It will come back into play March 2023 when Mars is moving forward again.

This month we will be gradually shifting from the expansive uplifting energy of Sagittarius into the contracting, realistic, goal oriented energy of Capricorn. Through out the month, you may experience both increase and decrease in certain areas of your life. The creative energy available this month can help turn dreams into future realities.

There is an emphasis on conversations between mutable signs for most of the month, as we move towards the Solstice, and years end. Fluctuating changeable currents are a main theme in December. The mutable signs are those that come at the end of each season- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. These signs are restless, flexible, adaptable and communicative. They bring things to a close in preparation for what is to come.

Towards months end, many planets will have moved into Cardinal signs, which will have us closing out the year with some fresh energy and new responsibilities. Cardinal signs mark the start of the new season and get things started. The Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are initiatory and infused with updated possibilities.

If you have planets in the mutable or Cardinal signs, the transits this month may be activating changes and new beginnings in your life. The fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are getting some breathing room, however, the Nodes, Saturn and Uranus are still doing their thing in fixed signs that will be involved in some of the transits this month.

In addition to the fading influence of the Mars retrograde Neptune square, we do have other significant events this month. Neptune is turning direct in Pisces on the 3rd, which will let the visionary Genie out of the bottle again, and open up imagining faculties. Mercury moves in to Capricorn on the 6th, followed by Venus on the 9th, and will be joined by the Sun on the Solstice, December 21. There will be plenty of energy that supports working towards goals or making new plans.

We have a Full Moon in Gemini on the 7th, which may be one of the more challenging events this Month. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd includes some auspicious aspects that can help fortify new intentions. Jupiter moves into Aries on the 20th bringing expansion and luck to personal identity and desires. Finally, Mercury will go retrograde on the 29th while conjoined with Venus, which should make for a pleasant and productive Mercury retrograde.

The first third of the month may be a bit challenging as it is charged with several mutable squares, and includes the potentially vexing Gemini conjunct Mars New Moon. Whatever needs to change or be wrapped up in your life is likely to make itself known (if you don't already know...which you probably do).

The general energy shifts around the 12th with the Sagittarius Sun making a harmonious sextile to Saturn in Aquarius. Aside from the Suns Square to Neptune (which can actually be quite illuminating) on the 14th, the remainder of the month is filled with the planets making harmonious trine and sextile aspects to each other.

On the 21, the wheel turns and we officially enter the Winter season in the Northern hemisphere with the Suns ingress into Capricorn, where it joins in with Mercury, Venus and Pluto. Because Mercury will be going retrograde in Capricorn, these 4 planets will be keeping each other company in the sign of the Sea-goat as we move in to 2023. With the Capricorn energy being reliable, responsible and down to earth, the holidays could be effortless and productive.

December ,and 2022 ends on a high note with the Capricorn sun making a supportive trine aspect with the North Node in Taurus. You may find yourself making progress working towards future goals, or finding ways to bring more maturity and simplicity into your life.

There are many other aspects this month that may impact you more personally than what was has been mentioned. I will be posting the daily transits at

2022 has been quite a ride. It’s not over yet! I am grateful to be here now with you. While 2023 will bring more significant changes, there is much to appreciate about where we have been, and where we are now. I hope you and yours enjoy all the love and beauty this month has to offer, as well as many beautiful dreams as we close out this year.

Thank you

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